Working as the Animation Director on "Metegol" ("Underdogs" in the US), directed by Juan José Campanella, was a transformative experience for me both professionally and personally.

This project, my largest to date, allowed me to collaborate with an incredibly talented and the most diverse team ever.

The effects of this movie continue to resonate with me a decade later, reminding me of the beauty of this industry and the lasting impact of working among truly special people.

studio: Mundo Loco CGI

Following the success of "Metegol," I was invited to share my experiences at various events. One notable presentation was at Pecha Kucha Nights, where each speaker showcased 20 images, each lasting 20 seconds.

I spoke about my journey on the project, highlighting the teamwork and dedication of our incredible crew, using 20 photos taken during the production.

This video, featuring those 20 images set to "Love Like a Sunset" by Phoenix, holds significant sentimental value for me, capturing the essence of our shared adventure and the bonds we formed.


Die post / E-commerce


Gluko & Lennon / Ep. 00